态 度 / 项 目

MILL 乐堤港店


MILL Letigang Store ,Hangzhou

  • 家具提供 态度家居

    Furniture Supply taiduhome

  • 发布日期 2020, 11 07

    Date Nov 07, 2020

自由自在,肆意生活 I
Free and unrestrained life


The MILL bar brand was founded in 2013 and has since spread its branches and leaves, making it a home for human "benign self abuse". I like to order a table top sausage platter and organic cucumbers over there, to help get drunk in the front and wake up in the back.

2020年度,MILL被Drink Awards评为最佳鸡尾酒项目、最佳酒店酒吧、华东地区年度最佳酒吧、最佳设计等多个奖项Top 10,2022年度被Drink Awards评为东区最佳酒吧团队、年度酒吧排名Top 15,同时连续入选大众点评《全国酒吧推荐指南》。

In 2020, MILL was awarded multiple awards by Drink Awards, including Best Cocktail Project, Best Hotel Bar, Best Bar of the Year in East China, and Best Design. In 2022, MILL was named the Best Bar Team in East China by Drink Awards and ranked Top 15 in the annual bar ranking. It was also continuously selected for the National Bar Recommendation Guide by the public.

MILL(杭州远洋乐堤港店)店内设计曾被《2021 ELLE DECO家居廊》收录。

The interior design of MILL (Hangzhou Yuanyang Letigang Store) has been included in the 2021 ELLE DECO Home Gallery.

业主方:MILL  /  室内设计:杭州观堂室内设计有限公司


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