态 度 / 项 目

山葵家 滨江银泰店


Shan Kui Jia ,Hangzhou

  • 家具提供 态度家居

    Furniture Supply taiduhome

  • 发布日期 2023, 03 17

    Date Mar 17, 2023

日式侘寂与现代潮流碰撞 I
The collision between Japanese silence and modern trends


Binjiang Yintai Store has created a "new world" in the project, constantly interpreting new concepts through the careful combination of materials, lighting, color, and texture. Combining Eastern tradition with modern style to create a unique atmosphere and bring customers a rich experience.

山葵家向大家传递一个年轻时尚的潮流日料。空间构成中保留了传统曲径幽通的日式禅意,同时在画作上选择现代街头潮流。在传统空间构架的躯体上, 披上一套“新”的外衣,让人耳目一新。

Shankui Home conveys a youthful and fashionable trend to everyone. The spatial composition retains the traditional Japanese Zen style of winding paths, while choosing modern street trends in the paintings. On the body of the traditional spatial framework, wearing a "new" coat is refreshing.


Abandoned common Japanese elements such as "white lanterns, bold calligraphy, and bamboo plaques.". Instead, it is made of metal with burn marks like texture, covering the surface with warm tones, ambiguous atmosphere, and retro fireworks, while enriching the Japanese silence with a mottled and textured feel.

业主方:杭州山葵家餐饮管理有限公司  /  室内设计:杭州楼设计事务所


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