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RayPUb​ ,Hangzhou

  • 家具提供 态度家居

    Furniture Supply taiduhome

  • 发布日期 2024, 07 08

    Date Jul 08, 2024

光影斑驳的闪电,酒与咖啡在这里干杯 I
Light and shadow mottled lightning, Cheers to wine and coffee here

从来没有想过能在一家店,同时遇上咖啡+精酿啤酒+美食,这个充满新意的搭配,正是RAY PUB的特色,最让人惊喜是竟然每一种都做的灰常专业,每一款产品都不曾让人失望。

I never imagined encountering coffee, craft beer, and delicious food at the same time in one store. This innovative combination is exactly the characteristic of RAY PUB, and the most surprising thing is that every product is made very professionally, never disappointing.

RAY PUB的logo像道凌厉的闪电。一道闪电的出现,光与暗交汇,闪电在指引人们,这里有一片属于你的空间。

The logo of RAY PUB is like a sharp lightning bolt. The appearance of a lightning bolt, where light and darkness intersect, guides people, and here is a space that belongs to you.

业主方:RayPUb暗光精酿咖啡  /  室内设计:杭州观堂室内设计有限公司


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