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Twenty one houses ,Hangzhou

  • 家具提供 态度家居

    Furniture Supply taiduhome

  • 发布日期 2024, 07 23

    Date Jul 23, 2024

一座通体白色的房子 I
A house that is entirely white in color


Twenty One Mansions is located on Baima Lake by the river, which is different from West Lake across the river, and has a different kind of "spiritual beauty".

紧邻冠山山麓,山中有寺名为冠山寺,碧波万顷,四季常有绿,春秋色更美。 雪霁隐是廿一舍最里侧的独立客房,拾级而上,隐而不僻,独而不孤。

Adjacent to the foothills of Guanshan Mountain, there is a temple called Guanshan Temple in the mountains. The blue waves cover an area of ten thousand hectares, and there is always greenery throughout the four seasons. The spring and autumn colors are even more beautiful. Xuejiyin is the innermost independent guest room in the Twenty One Dormitory, climbing up the stairs, hidden but not secluded, and solitary but not isolated.

适宜情侣,独处。 冬藏雪隐之味。

Suitable for couples and alone. The taste of winter snow hiding.



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