态 度 / 项 目

龙吟山房 青龙山庄店


Longyin Mountain House ,Nanjing

  • 家具提供 态度家居

    Furniture Supply taiduhome

  • 发布日期 2023, 11 27

    Date Nov 27, 2023

演绎自然山水,彰显东方美学魅力 I
Interpret natural landscapes and showcase the charm of Eastern aesthetics.


Longyin Mountain House was opened in 2016,  and was rated as the "Black Pearl Nanjing Yizhuan Restaurant" in 2019. Ji style sisters, the chef in charge of catering, want to build Longyin Mountain House into a high-level Chinese restaurant and tea room integrating meditation, health care and tea tasting, so the environment and food taste are equally important.

为此,餐厅居深山之中,沿湖一角。湖景秀丽雅致,湖心植一红枫树, 湖边一立凉亭, 是为“池中庭”与“水中树”。室内空间与自然景观相融合,使用各类木质与竹质器材之余,装潢上也删繁就简,空间大量留白,风格回归自然化。这里的每一处设计,都在去掉“建筑”本身的概念,让景色更多地映入客人眼帘,享受最淳朴的自然风光

For this reason,The restaurant located deep in the mountains and at a corner along the lake. The lake scenery is beautiful and elegant, with a red maple tree planted in the center of the lake and a pavilion by the lake. The indoor space is integrated with the natural landscape, using various types of wooden and bamboo equipment. In addition, the decoration is also simplified, leaving a lot of space blank, and the style returns to naturalization.Every design here is removing the concept of "architecture" itself, allowing the scenery to more prominently capture the eyes of guests and enjoy the simplest natural scenery.

业主方:南京龙吟山房(青龙山庄店)  /  建筑空间设计:纵横一线


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